Workshops for Professionals
KSA’s experts can speak on a wide variety of issues relating to academic performance, social-emotional issues, and behavior. We are available to speak to parents, educators, and professional associations in various settings, including our offices, your organization, school, community center or professional association conference.
Previous workshops have addressed:
- Determining “when to test”
- Learning, attention and behavioral issues and appropriate treatment and management strategies
- Evaluation testing techniques and interpretation
- Social and emotional disorder management Differentiating ADHD, academic and/or social-emotional issues
- Teacher training (including test interpretation and teaching strategies)
For a schedule of upcoming workshops or to discuss tailoring an event to fit your specific interests, please contact our office at 301-770-7507.
Group Courses
Group courses are available from time to time. We publish annoucements as they become available. Below are some of the previous ones we, or our affiliates, have held.
Picture It…..
Does your child have difficulty studying for tests? Do your kids complain that they know the material but can’t remember it for the test? This 5 week online seminar, sponsored by Stefano & Associates and presented by Abby Smith, M.A. will provide your middle...
I don’t know how to write this essay
“ I don’t know how to write this essay, paragraph, answer” . This 5 week online seminar, sponsored by Stefano & Associates and presented by Abby Smith, M.A. will provide your child with strategies and models they can use to write well organized paragraphs and...
Autism Evaluations
KSA has strengthened our autism evaluation with the addition of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2).