Case Studies

Does This Sound Familiar?


Mary is a bright student who attends an accelerated independent school. Over the years, her parents have noted that she takes many breaks while doing homework; work that should have taken her one hour, often takes two or three.


Mike is an eleventh grade student and a highly gifted athlete. While he is extremely successful on the playing field and can recite statistics for any team or player, he is failing biology. Mike maintains that he can’t remember the information when he has to take tests.


Josh is a twenty-year-old who graduated two years ago, and struggled throughout high school. He was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of ten, but never received any special education services or accommodations in school.


Lila is an extremely conscientious eighth grade student who puts in many hours with homework each night. She often gets extra credit for the projects and activities she does at home, yet does poorly on tests.


Bill is in the eighth grade at a local public middle school. While his grades declined slightly when he started middle school, his parents attributed to his adjustment to the larger environment. However his grades began to drop sharply.


Although Todd was considered “gifted” early in elementary school, he is currently failing middle school English. He previously was in the top reading and math groups and always found homework to be a breeze.


John is well liked by peers and teachers, and has many friends. He did fine in middle school with his parents’ close involvement; they checked his homework every night and frequently monitored his grades on “Edline.”


Sam is a happy and energetic 3-year-old boy who enjoys playing with cars and going to the playground. After his pediatrician voiced concerns for possible speech/language delays at his 2-year well visit, Sam’s parents pursued early intervention services.


A young adult who struggled in High School believes he can’t handle college-level academics.


An 8th grade student who develops anxiety as her hard work does not result in good grades.


Is highly successful on the playing field, but struggles in the classroom and is failing biology.


A middle school student with declining grades has become more disruptive in class.


Although Todd was considered “gifted” early in elementary school, he is currently


Her concentration difficulties have resulted in falling grades and academic probation.


Although above average intelligence, he lacked the skills needed to plan, organize and monitor his behavior.


Sam continues to have trouble making requests, answering questions, and participating in conversation.


“The reports you prepared for us have been very helpful, not only getting our son accommodations on his standardized tests, but also for our own understanding of his strengths and weaknesses and for his understanding. Thanks!”


“Understanding the thought process of our child has been a complete eye opener. We now understand our daughter so much better and can help her. Thanks!”


“Our son struggled so much in school, littel did we know he was not understanding the lessons simply due to teh learning envoironment being so distracting. Workign with the school staff to remove or limit these, we have all seen improved conduct and grades. Thank you so much!”


“Our daughter understands that she is not stupid and has become an advocate for herself and other children.”


“The reports you prepared for us have been very helpful, not only getting our son accommodations on his standardized tests, but also for our own understanding of his strengths and weaknesses and for his understanding. Thanks!”


“Thank you for attending the EMT meeting. We felt so much more comfortable and at ease having such a knowledgeable and widely respected individual and professional alongside us.”


“Thank you for helping us understand her needs and for guiding us in the belief that she could further her education beyond high school.” (on the occasion of the student’s college graduation)


“Your expertise and guidance was instrumental in getting this placement and we are so grateful. From the initial testing, the many phone conversations and meetings, to advocating for him at (school) meetings, you have stood by us in our pursuit of understanding learning differences and obtaining quality teaching for our son. We feel extremely fortunate to be able to share the benefit of your professional training, dedication and devotion to children with learning disabilities.”


“We are very pleased with the tutor you referred us to. She has been very good at gaining trust and cooperation from our son, who most of the time feels he needs no help and all of the time would rather be doing something else. Most significant to us is that his organizational skills have improved dramatically, and his grades show it.”


“You have a gift for making the parents feel comfortable and reassured during the entire evaluation process of their child and for this, I thank you.”


“I felt compelled to write to you about your report. It has been many months since I have read an educational evaluation that has been as thorough and helpful as yours has been. After reading the evaluation, one has the necessary insight to develop an educational plan for this student. After reading most evaluations I have a rather vague idea of what we should do to help a student. Because of your report, I believe we will be able to help this student much more successfully.”


“I would like to thank you for your generous donation of time and expertise in the recent work you did with one of our families. The evaluation that you performed made it possible for her family to participate in a new supportive program where she will receive ongoing case management.”


“I would like to thank you for your wonderful workshop. Your presentation was engaging and informative. Our teachers were able to participate fully and share with you their experiences, I was further impressed at how you managed to create an atmosphere that was comfortable enough that teachers were able to ask honest, precise questions.”

Workshop Sponsor

“It is rare that a speaker generates so many thoughtful questions, and I was really pleased that some of our most skeptical members were among the questioners. From observations made during and comments heard after your talk, it was clear that the group learned a great deal and that they were very glad to have the opportunity to hear from “the source” a clear and fine explanation of the reports they encounter regularly as part of their job here.”

Workshop Sponsor

“We particularly appreciated the very useful information you presented and the manner in which you were able to make a very complex subject easily understood to all of the audience. The information you presented answered a lot of questions which were on the minds of the people attending our meeting.”

Workshop Sponsor

“Please know that you are at the top of my list for testing referrals, and that all families that I have shared with you have spoken very highly of you and your professionalism and thoroughness. It is so reassuring to know that a referral will be successful, and that I can count on the experience being a positive one.”

Referring Partner